Surfside beach 2019

Surfside beach 2019

hey there

welcome to my adventures in running and life in general - i hope you enjoy your stay.

so while we wait...

It's now august, not exactly sure where the time has gone, seriously its been crazy and hectic and like a really really bad roller coaster ride yep, life; apparently it's what happens when you are training for a marathon. I swear last year when I was side training for Tulsa my life wasn't this wonked but maybe it was and I blocked it out in that post long run achievement haze. anywhoo, I'm sitting here waiting for my phone to restore itself so I can go an put a few miles down to get a head in a monthly miles challenge I am in through Garmin... not exactly sure what has happened to my phone but it stopped wanting to recognize my home wifi and needed to be reconnected manually every time I walked in the door of the house... rather annoying.  We're about seven weeks into training, this weekend I have a 16 mile long run on the schedule and I am hoping that my hip doesn't get grumpy on me like it has the past two weekends.

A while back I sat funny on my couch for about 3 hours on back to back to back conference calls, working from home is cool until its not,  when I went to get up my hip felt weird, like it was stretched out funny and it hasn't really been the same since. on our run two weeks ago I made it to 9.5, last week to 8  before my hip really made itself and its feelings known. (also, in case you haven't noticed, I am a firm believer in body parts and inanimate objects having feelings and thoughts of their own) Last weekend, the 5 miles I put down Friday morning probably also contributed to it being grumpy since really Friday should be a rest day, I am clearly doing everything I shouldn't be doing like a newbie... I should and do know better. So needless to say, having hip issues is so not how I wanted this season to morph into, I am lucky in that I run with a very large group of seasoned individuals who have basically done and seen just about all of it so they are great with the advice and suggestions even when confronted with non-technical terms such as "wonked" and "grumpy not hip -hip area". We also have access to some of the area's best sports-professionals so I have hope. I probably should also make an appointment with Rasch (Chiro)  

I am also dealing with added stress on the work front. its a very very interesting set of circumstances that I am finding myself in, I love what I was hired to do, not what I am currently being tasked with doing and that is stressing me out so much so that I actually have one of those really creepy popped vessels in my eye... fun times right?! for serial. I know that this is not something I can maintain for the long term but I also know that this state of flux that we are in isn't a long term situation either so it's a matter of trying to figure out how to manage through it all and come out no worse for wear on the other side. Totally easier said than done, given my current seat on the struggle bus of running.  

how long do we have to stay up?

testing, testing... is this thing on?